On my last evening in this historial city, I was admiring the view of the beautiful River Nile in the heart of the city (see picture on the right) when an Egyptian guy stand

What started off as a "short walk" to see his pieces of art ended up as a walk that would never end, it took a full 45 minutes. After the first 15 mins I knew this was a scam, but inspite of me wanting to leave he just would not let me go and persuaded me to atleast "SEE" the place. It was not dark, and we were still in the heart of the city, and I still had an hour to catch the train so I thought I'd oblige, sacrificing lunch for the moment. But of course, my pockets were zipped and sealed as I knew what was coming!
He takes me to this shop (not gallery) at the basement of a building in a run down street. The place is in total darkness but with all the shopkeepers inside standing idle, and as soon as I step in all the lights go all on and suddenly everyone is smiling and offering me a zillion things to buy and see all at once. It took me a few moments to gather myself.
I smiled and greeted them back, my senses were all alert by now and simultaneously ignoring the works of "art", the "fine" papyrus scripts and what have you that was being offered from all sides. I did notice that all these items were outrageously high priced though, compared to the prices in the regular markets.
I told my new "friend" politely that I had kept my part of the deal, I had indeed "seen" his place, but now had to leave. Immedietely I heard cries of, "No, you have to buy, you come here to buy!" and a couple of arms grabbed mine trying their best to not let me go.
Before anyone could object anymore, I wrestled myself out of the place, my pace just a little quicker than what it normally is.